She Smells the Dead is the first book in the YA Paranormal Spirit Guide series by E.J. Stevens.
It's the beginning of senior year and Yuki's psychic awareness of ghostly spirits is threatening to ruin her life. Her ability to sense spirits of the dead isn't glamorous like the ghost hunting on television.
The smell impressions are becoming stronger. Yuki is being visited in her dreams, and she suspects that her friend Calvin is involved in something strange. To make matters worse her crush on Garrett is going unrequited, Yuki's friend Emma is on a rampage against bee oppression, and annoying Calvin Miller mysteriously disappears.
Will Yuki be able to focus her powers in time to save the lost soul who is haunting her? Meanwhile, who will save Yuki from following the spirits into the light?
She Smells the Dead
E. J. Stevens
Interesting read. I loved the originality of this story. So different from any ghost whisper I have read. Yuki is Very unique, and loveable. The Writing style and pace flows well. I love how E. J. Stevens built the characters. Her friends Calvin and Emma were awesome. The only thing I felt I really didn’t like in this book was the repetitive “yeah”. Great YA Paranormal Romance.
My Rating: 4 Stars!
Author Biography:
E.J. Stevens is the author of the haunting collection of dark poetry From the Shadows, the chilling collection of paranormal poetry Shadows of Myth and Legend, and the young adult paranormal Spirit Guide Series, including She Smells the Dead, Spirit Storm, and Legend of Witchtrot Road (releasing September 2011).
When E.J. isn't at her writing desk she can be found blogging at From the Shadows, a paranormal book blog, or hanging out on Goodreads or Twitter. Stevens is the founder of PNR4Wolves, paranormal romance authors joining together to promote the rescue and preservation of wolves with books.
E.J. is a graduate of the University of Maine at Farmington with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and is an active member of the Paranormal Romance Guild. She currently resides in a magical forest on the coast of Maine where she finds daily inspiration for her writing.
Clairalience, the ability to sense the dead through smell, is such an unusual talent. How did you come up with the idea for Yuki's paranormal gift?
The idea for She Smells the Dead, the first book in the Spirit Guide series, came to me while walking past the overgrown graveyard beside my home. I was overwhelmed by a strong smell and suddenly wondered what it would be like to have a psychic connection with spirits of the dead that came in the form of smells (clairalience), rather than sight or sound. I knew how unpleasant high school could be for someone who chose to think and dress unconventionally, and imagined that smelling the dead would make Yuki's teen years even more challenging. Fortunately for Yuki, she has some amazing friends.
When did you start writing and why did you decide to write paranormal fiction?
I had an unusual childhood steeped in the myth and folklore of the British Isles where my mother enjoyed her youth. My favorite childhood diversion was to create and tell haunting stories filled with the magical, and often monstrous, paranormal creatures that my mother's tales inspired. In elementary school I began to put pen to paper and discovered an aptitude for writing. I have been composing verse and weaving prose ever since.
Do you have a favorite character in She Smells The Dead?
I have a special connection with each of my characters and am especially fond of Yuki. Yuki was originally based on myself at her age, but the things she must face during this series push her to grow and develop her own personality. My love for Yuki may seem a bit egocentric, but I truly admire her strength and determination.
If your books were being made into a movie or TV series, who would you cast for the leading roles?
The Spirit Guide series would make a fabulous TV series or collection of movies. I would love to see Jodelle Ferland as Yuki. Her features are perfect for the role and she has experience playing spooky goth girls. Alex Pettyfer would be fabulous as Calvin “Cal” Miller. He has the dreamy blue eyes, shaggy hair, and perfect physique. Amanda Seyfried would make an amazing Emma. Amanda has the ideal combination of strength and grace and her pale skin and blond hair make her perfect for the role. Last, but not least, is my choice for Simon. I have to admit that I cast Misha Collins for the role of Simon long ago. I was captivated by Misha as Castiel in the TV show Supernatural and if you gave him a facial scar he’d make a wonderfully roguish Simon.
I am a vegetarian, huge anime fan, love my corgi furry baby, and am addicted to stripey socks and doc marten boots. I live on the coast of Maine where my young adult paranormal Spirit Guide series takes place. I enjoy writing dark poetry and have published two collections of poetry, From the Shadows and Shadows of Myth and Legend. My current writing project is Legend of Witchtrot Road, the third book in the Spirit Guide series, and I will soon begin work on book four, Brush With Death. She Smells the Dead and Spirit Storm, the first two Spirit Guide series books, are now available in print and ebook formats.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
My interest in writing originated with a love of storytelling. I had an unusual childhood steeped in the myth and folklore of the British Isles where my mother enjoyed her youth. My favorite childhood diversion was to create and tell haunting stories filled with the magical, and often monstrous, paranormal creatures that my mother's tales inspired. In elementary school I began to put pen to paper and discovered an aptitude for writing. I have been composing verse and weaving prose ever since.
What surprised you the most about the writing/publishing process?
I was most surprised by the success of my collection of paranormal poetry, Shadows of Myth and Legend. I did not have high expectations for my poetry anthologies, but Shadows of Myth and Legend resonates with many readers. These dark tales of monsters from myth, legend, and folklore continue to fascinate and draw new readers into the shadows.
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
The following is an unedited excerpt from Legend of Witchtrot Road, the third book in the Spirit Guide series.
I heard the harsh, grinding creak of a ship’s hull straining against stormy seas just as I felt the vertiginous tilt and roll of the waves beneath me. I considered letting the motion lull me back to sleep, but one thought kept creeping in to ruin my slumber. I wasn’t on a boat.
With a jolt I tried to leap upright, but up was down and down was up, causing a searing pain to shoot through my shoulder as I dangled from the car safety belt. I needed to get a look around, but turning my head didn’t seem like an easy option. My neck was stiff, like the time I fell asleep with wet hair, and my head was pounding a rhythm that matched the vampire bats gnawing in my stomach. Come on Yuki, you can do this.
Reaching up to grab the safety belt, I steadied myself and drew in a deep shuddering breath. It did nothing to calm my racing heartbeat, but the pain in my head momentarily lessened. Forcing my eyes to stay open, I turned them to my right and flinched. A ghostly pale face stared back at me and it took a moment for my sluggish brain to realize that the spectral form was only my reflection looking back at me. I examined the sickly face suspended in the darkness and knew one thing for sure. I looked like hell.
For a moment I closed my eyes and gathered another steadying breath, remembering to breathe in the way I’d been taught during the numerous yoga classes that Cal had dragged me to over the years. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery of why I was hanging upside down from a car safety belt, I pulled my eyes to the left. A golden amorphous shape hung glowing beside me and I nearly jumped when it moaned.
“Emma?” I asked. My voice was dry and raspy and started a series of painful coughs that nearly made me pass out again.
Emma didn’t answer me, but with a rush of memory I knew that it was my friend beside me. Emma’s blond hair cascaded past her face to dangle above the glowing instrument panel. Pale skin, golden hair, and white blouse sleeve were marred only by a dark stream that trickled from her scalp along her arm to drip slowly, tap tap tap, off her fingers onto the windshield.
How did we get here? It had to be the curse. I clenched my fist in frustration as my eyes filled with tears. We had known better. Emma with her research and me with my psychic gift to sense the dead; we knew the risks of messing with the curse, but that hadn’t stopped us. Our curiosity had won out over common sense and now we were paying the price. Son of a dung beetle. I just hoped we survived long enough to benefit from the lesson learned. Never mess with a curse and never, ever travel on Witchtrot Road after dark.
In Twitter Fashion use 140 characters or less, sum She Smells The Dead for us.
Goth girl cursed w/ ability to smell ghosts works to solve the mysteries of the dead w/ the help of her quirky friends.
How did you come up with a story that was such a whirl wind of events?
The idea for She Smells the Dead, the first book in the Spirit Guide series, came to me while walking past the overgrown graveyard beside my home. I was overwhelmed by a strong smell and suddenly wondered what it would be like to have a psychic connection with spirits of the dead that came in the form of smells (clairalience), rather than sight or sound. I knew how unpleasant high school could be for someone who chose to think and dress unconventionally, and imagined that smelling the dead would make Yuki's teen years even more challenging. Fortunately for Yuki, she has some amazing friends.
Will we be seeing a following book to this stories?
Spirit Storm, the second book in the Spirit Guide series, is now available. Legend of Witchtrot Road will release Fall 2011 and Brush With Death is anticipated to release Spring 2012.
How did you come up with the character Yuki ?
Yuki was originally based on myself at her age, but the things she must face during this series push her to grow and develop her own unique personality.
I always must ask, If you could pick one actress to portray Yuki on the big screen who would it be and why?
The Spirit Guide series would make a fabulous TV series or collection of movies. I would love to see Jodelle Ferland as Yuki. Her features are perfect for the role and she has experience playing spooky goth girls.
Was there anything you find particularly challenging when writing this book?
My biggest challenge while writing is to remove myself from external distractions such as my blog, email, and Twitter.
What were your feelings when you first saw the cover of your finished book?
Follow this Author and the books:
1 She Smells the Dead Bookmark,
2 Spirit Guide Series Postcards,
2 packs Spirit Guide Series Romance Trading Cards (5 She Smells the Dead cards
+ 5 Spirit Storm cards)
Total of 5 Items
Only One Winner
US Residents Only
Great interview. The cover of this one is so beautiful! The review definitely made me interested to read it. =)
Wow what a different idea :) I am definitely adding this to my reading list. I Love the covers. Do you know who the model is?
Love the concept for this book. I've been meaning to read it for awhile...may just have to bump it a little higher on the list. :)
Thank you all for the wonderful comments!
There are more pics at the official Spirit Guide website here:
and you can view a sneak peek of the 'Legend of Witchtrot Road' cover (releasing Fall 2011) at Goodreads here:
Thank you all for stopping by! :)
Paranormal Author E.J. Stevens
From the Shadows
What a different take! I love the originality of it. The covers are beautifully dark. Thank you for such a great interview. I love learning about new authors (at least new to me).
Hi Toni,
Thank you for visiting! :)
Paranormal Author E.J. Stevens
From the Shadows
I've reached the age where I enjoy reading and reviewing as a full time hobby/unpaid pleasure. I enjoy YA Paranormal books more then most of the Supernatural/Paranormal genres. I would truly love to win a bookmark and of course that lovely swag for my collection.
Best of luck with the giveaway! :)
Paranormal Author E.J. Stevens
From the Shadows
I like the gothic look of the cover. Would love to read it!
Love the cover is already on my TBR Pile actually currently waiting for my Library to get it. The book sounds really good.
EJ I adore ur work your an aweosem person in general but ur books totally utterly rock cant wait to read book two~!
I have tried to win a copy of She Smells the Dead for awhile, it sounds like such a good book. Gas is eating up my discretionary income.
greeat! great cover!
Hey E.J.! I love your book and have entered every contest possible to try to win the swag pack. :) Here's hoping.
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