
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Book Blogger Hop: The Non-Weekend Edition! 4/11-4/14

Book Blogger Hop
"Outside of books, what is your guilty pleasure?"

My Answer: Electorics. Toffee, Coffee, Caramel and Nut Candies. Taking Pictures. Starbucks. I know completely random. What can I say? They bring me pleasure. I love getting the latest Tech gadget. I love See's candies. I love my uncles mouth watering homemade toffee. I can not stop taking pictures. I am addicted to Starbucks. I do own a Starbucks gold card. I dont feel guilty. But I do currently feel like I need one of them. LOL

What Is Yours???


  1. Sweet stuff always make your day, and coffee keeps you running.

  2. Yes and electronics keep me entertained lol

  3. Starbucks is definitely high up on my guilty pleasure list- Frozen Mocha's to be exact. New Follower

    Follow Friday and Blog Hops


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